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Crossroads Travel Inc. is a locally owned and managed full service travel agency, servicing the commercial and vacation travel needs of clients in 45 states nationwide. Crossroads Travel Inc., as it exists today, resulted from the merger of five locally established agencies in Richmond. Virtuoso, an exclusive, by invitation only agency membership group has partnered with Crossroads Travel Inc. to enable us to offer our clients exclusive offers and amenities not available through other sources  

 Experienced travel agents staff both offices. In many cases, we can provide first-hand knowledge of vacation destinations and resorts. Our staff of 8 agents consists of various “destination specialist”, who constantly are updating their knowledge of the many geographical areas our clients visit. Each location offers personalized service, uses state-of-the-art automated equipment, and up-to-date references materials.

Each office is able to sell wholesale airline tickets and hotel rates for European travel. Our International Wholesale Travel Program allows us to provide our clients international airlines tickets and hotel rooms significantly reduce prices. You’ll generally find these prices to be below those normally found in most retail travel agencies. In addition, our discounts on cruises and tours are among the largest found anywhere. Each office also has agents who specialize in creating dream honeymoons for newlyweds in the Richmond vicinity.

Our Group Department develops and escorts customized cruise and tour groups. Our escorted groups include airline transportation from Richmond, and are personally escorted by an experienced member of our group department. We publish a separate group newsletter that highlights these trips. If you would like to be added to that list, please call us at one of the numbers shown or you can register on this website. In addition to our group cruises and tours, we customize group travel for area clubs, and organizations. We also service the meeting and incentive travel needs of various businesses and organizations. Please call us if we can help with any of these needs.

The agency represents all domestic and international airlines, hotels, resorts, rent-a-car agencies, cruise lines and tour operators. We were a founding member of the Travel Agents of Virginia. The buying power of our alliance with Virtuoso, the by-invitation only, leading luxury travel seller in the world and other preferred partners assures that you, our valued client, will always receive the best travel value for your money.

The Bottom Line. We believe in our industry and we are here to stay. The current ownership has been in place for over 30 years. Our affiliation with Virtuoso, coupled with a friendly and knowledgeable staff, is a combination hard to beat. Most importantly … you’re doing business with people that you know.

We value and appreciate your patronage. If you have used our services in the past, thank you, and we look forward to working with you in the future. If you have never used our services, we invite you to take advantage of our client oriented services. We hope to hear from you soon.